Google searches on "Gw'oth" are among the top referral sources to this blog. Reader emails and (at cons and signings) in-person questions that I'm asked also often relate to the Gw'oth.
Europa: ice, cracks, and all |
(The Gw'oth, if the word doesn't ring a bell, are aliens who feature prominently in the
Fleet of Worlds series of space operas that I write with Larry Niven. The Gw'oth evolved on a world somewhat like Jupiter's moon
Europa, in an ocean beneath the ice. Above the ice lies deadly vacuum. A Gw'o (that's the singular) is an aquatic creature who looks something like a starfish crossed with an octopus. I gave a more detailed physical description in the post
Gw'oth revealed! And other fun stuff).
And the question that I am most often asked
about the Gw'oth is: living underwater, how did they ever develop technology? Doesn't it take
fire to develop technology? As regards non-biological technology, my guess -- like many readers' suspicions -- is: yes.
Wildfires were a part of our forbears' natural environment. Fire was
possible in our forbears' natural environment. How the Gw'oth would master (or encounter) fire underwater is less than intuitive ....
One such reader question came up several weeks ago, far down in a thread of comments about a merely semi-related post. I answered with another comment in that same thread, but on reflection, I decided to address the topic in a post of its own. A post that people Googling "Gw'oth" will more readily find. This post.
There aren't
major plot spoilers in my answer; I'm dealing primarily with back story
before the opening of the series. Before humans and other species of Known Space ever met the Gw'oth. But if you continue, know you will encounter snippets of plot and text from a couple of the books.
Continue as you think best ...