Many visitors to this blog are familiar with the sprawling, enduring future history that is Known Space. They know about Larry Niven's Ringworld novels
and Larry's and my Fleet of Worlds novels. They know that
Fate of Worlds: Return from the Ringworld, newly published, is the finale to
both series.
In the beginning |
And so, regular visitors to
SF and Nonsense may not be surprised to read that Larry and I envisioned a panel at the just concluded Worldcon at which we would field moderator and fan questions about the two interrelated series.
isn't to suggest that you can't read these books standalone. You can -- and more on that later. But the more Known Space books you read, the more connections you'll see.)
Alas, circumstances kept Larry from attending the con, and the panel didn't happen. And I'd
hate to see my in-advance musing about likely questions go to waste ...
In the following Q-and-A with myself, I've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum. That said, read on at your own peril.