Last week (
Follow (and foul) up), I took a second (or third, or maybe fourth) look at some hot issues of the day: Internet governance. American dependence on an increasingly aggressive Russia for civilian spaceflight -- and even launchers for military missions. The XPocalypse.
Today's post, although continuing a follow-up theme, is less connected with the mainstream news -- if no less consequential.
They're everywhere ... |
In February, as part of "
That does not compute," I wrote about the Internet of Things (IoT). Often, I write about hacking and computer-security issues. Just so you know: it's
not only me concerned about the confluence of IoT and (in)security. A couple of choice quotes from
Information Week's
recent article, "
Internet of Thingbots: The New Security Worry."
The IoT consisted of 20 billion devices in 2013 and will have 32 billion
by 2020, according to the research firm IDC. The boom in IoT-enabled
gadgets and sensors is a boon for hackers, whose device-focused attacks
are starting to make headlines.
The race to push connected devices out the door isn't helping, either.
"The big problem we're seeing these days is, in so many cases, people
are rushing to get products out, and they're not putting the time and
effort into really securing these devices up front," Morrison said.
"It's not like we don't know how to do it; it's just that we're not
doing it."
And many will be mobile |
"Thingbots?" you ask. They may be closer than you think -- and not only
Roombas scooting about to vacuum your floors (and terrorize your pets). Here's a video (courtesy of
IEEE Spectrum) to make the case: "
Watch SRI's Nimble Microrobots Cooperate to Build Structures." As in:
... swarms of magnetically actuated microrobots that can work together to build macro-scale structures.
Not the kind of creatures you would want hacked.
(Not yet sold that the IoT is nigh? Internet-equipment giant Cisco is convinced -- and they're putting up real money to prove it. See "
Cisco Drops $150M In Investment Funding For Internet Of Things Startups.")