Ooh! It's released as of today. (In paperback, anyway. E-formats to follow).
It is:
Fantasy for the Throne: One-Sitting Reads, edited by Judith K. Dial and Tom Easton.
"Want something to read while you sit down for just a few minutes on the bus or in a waiting room? Here's just the thing -- Forty authors, forty stories, mostly under 2,000 words, mostly reprints. Grouped according to their themes--death, fairy tales, love, magic, and myth. You'll also find the usual suspects -- dragons, ghosts, gods, the undead, weres, and witches.
"Just remember--one sitting, one read! Others are waiting!"
(I'm pleased to disclose: among the forty entries is one of the rare fantasy stories by Yr. Humble Blogger. That's "Chance of Storms.")