The first virtual Ring of Fire Con runs Thursday October 8 through Sunday October 11. W00t! You can still register online -- and for free -- but there are neat ebook bundles offered if you should choose to make a small donation to help defray costs.
Together with -- as you might imagine -- all matters related to Eric Flint's 1632-verse (aka, Ring of Fire-verse), the con covers much, much more.(*)
I am delighted to be taking part in the con, and I thought I'd share my schedule:
Friday 10/9 4:30 p.m. CDT -- I'm interviewed about my career and recent and upcoming projects
Saturday 10/10 4:30 p.m. CDT -- I'm on the panel "Working with Editors"
Sunday 10/11 3:00 p.m. CDT -- I'm on the panel "The Challenge of Writing Hard SF"
The full con schedule is here.
"See" you there.
(*) Why the broader scope? For one reason, The Grantville Gazette, bimonthly ezine of the 1632-verse, has long also had an independent "Universe Annex." That's the TGG department in which it's been my frequent honor to appear. In fact, I have a novelette running in the current, September/October 2020, issue. For another, Ring of Fire Press now publishes both 1632 and non-1632 books. My 2019 novel, The Company Man is in the latter category.
And maybe just because ... why not? SF fans have omnivoracious interests.