Monday, June 14, 2010

Kindle-ing interest

(Last updated: September 2, 2024)

Readers frequently email to ask about the availability of my writing in ebook formats. The short answer is: most books, sooner or later, come out as ebooks. The timing varies from title to title, ereader by ereader, and country to country.

Prices change, too. For example, ebook prices for a title tend to drop after release of the corresponding mass-market paperback edition.

Shop for a Kindle reader
To Google, Yahoo, and Bing (and, ultimately to you, the blog reader, who has come upon this post): here's a snapshot of my novels and collections available in the most popular ebook format: Kindle.

What about those of you who don't use Kindles or compatible readers (such as iPhones)? There's a good chance that the print publisher who reformatted a hardcopy book for the Kindle has (or will) do the same for other popular electronic formats. Check your favorite ebook outlet. And if something you'd like to read isn't available in the format of your choice? It never hurts to express interest to the print publisher in a polite email.

The following lists summarize availability of Edward M. Lerner titles in the US Kindle store. Ebook availability in other countries may vary.

Edward M. Lerner titles available for Kindle

Probe (1991)(&)
Moonstruck (2005)(&)
Creative Destruction (2006)(*) 
Fools' Experiments (2008)
Small Miracles (2009)
InterstellarNet: Origins (2010) 
InterstellarNet: New Order (2010) 
Countdown to Armageddon / A Stranger in Paradise (2010)(*)  
Frontiers of Space, Time, and Thought (2012)(!)
Energized (2012)  
InterstellarNet: Enigma (2015)
Dark Secret (2016)
Trope-ing the Light Fantastic: The Science Behind the Fiction (2018)(temporarily unavailable)
Muses & Musings (2019) (temporarily unavailable)
The Company Man (2019)(*)
Life and Death on Mars (2023)  

To check out all InterstellarNet titles at once, try Amazon's InterstellarNet series page.
(*) Now available in its 2022 or 2023 reissue
(&) In the 2011 re-release, with new foreword and afterword.
(!) A collection of my science/technology articles with related short fiction.

Edward M. Lerner collaborations available for Kindle (with Larry Niven)

Fleet of Worlds (2007)
Juggler of Worlds (2008)
Destroyer of Worlds (2009)
Betrayer of Worlds (2010)
Fate of Worlds (2012)

To check out all "of Worlds" titles at once, try Amazon's Fleet of Worlds series page.

To purchase all "of Worlds" titles at once -- quite the bundle bargain! -- check out The Complete Fleet of Worlds.

(For current UK availability of Kindle editions in this series, see the post  "A note to my UK readers ... kindling.")

I'll update this post from time to time as availabilities change.


Unknown said...

I just finished the Hard Cover of Small Miracles and loved it. I decided to try a couple of your eBooks and so I bought the 2 new ones. Thanks for the fine writing.

Edward M. Lerner said...


Thanks for your kind note.

- Ed

TS said...

Currently reading Destroyer of Worlds with Betrayer of Worlds next in the stack.

I have enjoyed the "behind the scenes" POV of the series very much so far. It must have been fun dissecting the original works.

A recent convert to E-Books, I will progress to the kindle versions of your books in due time.

Edward M. Lerner said...

Hi TS,

You're quite right -- it was fun addressing the open issues and loose ends of the earlier Known Space stories.

Happy reading :-)

- Ed