Monday, May 13, 2019

Antisocial networking

NOT (you may be shocked to read) a tirade about Facebook or Twitter ....

I'm being sucked down a different rabbit hole. In this era, an authorial website is -- beyond de rigeur -- essential. And so, for a bit, in lieu of blogging, I'm diverting myself onto some (long) overdue maintenance of my authorial website.
My intergalactic portal ....
If you're after a peek at my view of things, your best bet for now might be to take a gander at that website:

And if you encounter that website being unavailable or contrary? Then you'll know I'm still doing battle with Wordpress ....


jaguar said...

Sir, I got upset a little until I have read the first line.
But my country is getting real antisocial.
It does not make sense of self-defense at all even if it hides the vulnerability in the device of the home country.
I will oppose as much as possible. I pray that I am not wrong.

Edward M. Lerner said...

My apologies that a too-cute subject line upset you. Indeed, there is much these days to be upset about.