Wednesday, September 23, 2020

It's alive. Alive! (Well, closer)

See what just appeared on Amazon ... for anyone who likes to plan (way) ahead

Déjà Doomed Paperback – May 25, 2021

There will be ebook editions, too (of course!) And well before release, spiffy cover art ... consider this image a placeholder.


Caezik is a new SF imprint, whose first two releases -- by Robert Heinlein (from a manuscript discovered postmortem) and Robert J. Sawyer -- were Locus bestsellers. It turns out you don't need to be named Robert

Friday, September 4, 2020

Old and new

I'm happy to have two of my novelettes in print (at least, electrons) this month. Both were issued a few days ago, on the 1st.

"A Case of Identity" was/is the opening novelette in a completed four-story arc -- for which a series name continues to elude me. Currently in contention are The Sherlock Chronicles and The AI PI. Whatever series name I settle upon, its opening -- and entirely standalone -- tale is reissued this month in Galaxy's Edge.

Side note: If "A Case of Identity" rings a bell (for reasons other than that you read mine first-run), that's understandable. Not coincidentally, Conan Doyle's Sherlock had an incident of that name.

But the bigger news is brand-new story, introducing a fresh narrative arc. "On the Shoals of Space-Time," also a novelette, is in this month's issue of The Grantville Gazette (in the Universe Annex department). And it's quite the adventure ...